10 Aug

What’s Your Number? By Jeff Brown

What’s Your Number?
By Jeff Brown
New York Times

The question came the other day from an old friend with a one-man business: “What’s your number?” It’s the latest way of asking, “how much money do I need to retire?”
I’ve been asked this many, many times in my years as a personal-finance columnist. I used to take a deep breath, then begin a discourse on pensions, Social Security, life expectancy, plans to pass assets to children, business succession, expected rates of return, inflation … Then, finding that people really wanted a simple, easy answer, I came up with one: “three million dollars.” That’s what you need to retire. No matter who you are, where you live, what your expectations. Trust me.
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10 Aug

Economy Driven Furloughs May Impact Pension, Health, Fringe Benefits

Pension & Benefits Daily: All Issues > 2009 > June > 06/03/2009 > Analysis & Perspective

To save jobs, some private and government employers have instituted voluntary and involuntary unpaid leave programs for current employees to deal with decreased profits and budget deficits. Reduced hours or unpaid leave can have an unexpected negative effect on employees’ benefits, including eligibility in pension plans, matching contributions, and health coverage.
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10 Aug

Atvantages of having a qualified Corporate Retirement Plan’s Consultant

<a rel=”attachment wp-att-20″ href=”http://ccrs.wordpress.com/2009/05/18/the-value-of-having-an-advisor-on-your-company-retirement-plan/advisor-benefit-2/”>advisor benefit</a>

Attached is a paper on the atvantages of having a qualified “Corporate Retirement Plan’s Consultant” Work with you on your firms retirement plan rather that going it alone or letting your recordkeeper do it all.

<span style=”font-size:x-small;”>Thanks </span><a href=”http://ccrs.wordpress.com/wp-admin/www.ccrs.biz”><span style=”text-decoration:underline;”><span style=”font-size:x-small;color:#0000ff;”><span style=”font-size:x-small;color:#0000ff;”>www.ccrs.biz</span></span></span></a>

10 Aug

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Compass Corporate Retirement Solutions is a 401k and pension plan fiduciary ERISA design and plan communication specialist. Serving Houston, Dallas San Antonio and Austin, TX, Oklahoma City, OK, New Orleans, LA, Jackson, MS, Little Rock, AR.