11 Sep

Workers Turn to Employers, Advisers for Retirement Help

Rebecca Moore

September 10, 2009 — A new study shows that most workers do not understand their retirement savings plans as well as other employer-provided benefits.

One in three (34%) Americans polled said they have little or no understanding of their retirement plan and three in four (74%) said they have less than a complete understanding, according to a release of results from The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. Employees indicated they had a better understanding of other benefits provided through their employer, such as medical coverage and life insurance.
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11 Sep

Obama Administration Launches Retirement Savings Initiatives


September 05, 2009 — As the nation turns its attention to the three-day Labor Day weekend, the White House is talking about retirement security.

With 401(k) Day less than a week away (September 11), and the Labor Day weekend upon us, President Obama’s weekly radio address was titled “Labor Day and Fair Rewards for Hard Work.” Along with that address, the President and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner announced “new steps to make it easier for American families to save for retirement.”
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11 Sep

Participant Equity Allocations Rising, but Slowly

Rebecca Moore

September 10, 2009 — Participants in 401(k) plans continued a cautious move into equity during August, with a total of $203 million shifted from fixed income into equities, according to the Hewitt 401(k) Index.

Hewitt said transfer activities were equity-oriented on 62% of the days during the month, and many equity asset classes realized net inflows during the month. Premixed funds, including target-risk and target-date portfolios, received approximately one-third of the net transfers, with $147 million moving into this asset class.
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04 Sep

PSCA Offers Free 401(k) Day Materials

Nevin E. Adams

August 25, 2009 — No matter how tight your—or your plan sponsor clients’—budget is, the Profit Sharing/401k Council of America (PSCA) has materials available that will fit within it.

In years past, PSCA has made portions of their annual 401(k) Day campaign available to the public; however, most materials were reserved for PSCA members only.However, PSCA has announced that this year it is making their annual 401(k) Day communication and education campaign available free to plan sponsors throughout the country.
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04 Sep

Don’t Kill Your 401(k)

Published: 03 Sep 2009 23:27:12 PST

Author: Nancy Mann Jackson

Is the recession making it difficult to fork over your company’s 401(k) contribution to your employees? If so, you’re not alone. The Pension Rights Center’s running list of companies that have changed or temporarily suspended their 401(k) contributions since last summer has reached 300. Yet, the list is dominated by large employers such as American Express and Xerox.
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04 Sep

Independent Advisers Prominent in Retirement Plans

Ellie Behling

August 04, 2009 — Independent advisers concentrate more of their assets in employer-sponsored retirement plans compared to other adviser channels, according to Cogent Research.

Overall, more than half (55%) of advisers in all channels are managing at least one employer-sponsored retirement plan (ESRP), according to Cogent’s annual Advisor Brandscape report.

Advisers in independent firms are more likely than other advisers to be involved with managing or providing advice on ESRPs, with more than half (60%) using them, followed by regional and national advisers (both 57%). Forty-one percent of registered investment advisers (RIAs) manage ESRPs.
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01 Sep

Retirement Security Is Crucial Issue For White House, Economic Official Says

Pension & Benefits Daily

A crucial issue for the Obama administration is retirement security, Lawrence H. Summers, assistant to the president for economic policy and director of the National Economic Council, said Aug. 1

Retirement security issues are included in the administration’s economic strategy, Summers told a retirement research conference sponsored by the Social Security Administration and the Retirement Research Consortium.
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01 Sep

10 Things You’re (Probably) Doing Wrong—or Not Doing Right—as a Plan Fiduciary

IMHO: “To Do” List
Nevin E. Adams, JD

August 16, 2009 —

Being a plan fiduciary is a tough job—and one that, it’s probably fair to say—is underappreciated, if not undercompensated. In my experience, most who find themselves in that role (see “IMHO: Duty Calls”) I think do an admirable job of living up to the spirit, if not the letter, of their responsibilities.
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01 Sep

The DB(k): Pension of the Future

When hiring picks up again, this blend of defined benefit and 401(k) features will help snag top talent.

By Joan Pryde, Senior Tax Editor, the Kiplinger letters


August 19, 2009

An attractive new option for employer sponsored retirement plans becomes available next year. The “DB(k)” offers businesses with 500 or fewer employees an opportunity to provide a strong retirement plan for their employees with fewer hassles and less financial drain than a traditional pension plan.
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31 Aug

Use of Asset Allocation Funds Helps Participants Diversify

August 19, 2009 (PLANSPONSOR.com) – The fact that 20% of participants in defined contribution plans administered by The Vanguard Group invested their entire nest eggs in an asset allocation fund at year-end 2008 helped shield the participants from the market’s turmoil during the year, new Vanguard research indicated.
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Compass Corporate Retirement Solutions is a 401k and pension plan fiduciary ERISA design and plan communication specialist. Serving Houston, Dallas San Antonio and Austin, TX, Oklahoma City, OK, New Orleans, LA, Jackson, MS, Little Rock, AR.